- Create an Open Environment
An open environment needs to be such that the students enter a classroom with the thought that they are going learn something new and not attend a boring lecture. Students have the freedom to share their thoughts and opinions. They should be able to talk to their teachers about anything and everything. They can seek help from their teachers not just academically, but emotionally too. A classroom needs to be interactive i.e – It is not just about teachers delivering lectures and students listening. It is about students understanding and participating in class wholeheartedly.
- Reward Initiative
Every student has his/her own abilities and talents, so giving all of them the same tasks and assignments cannot determine their intelligence in various fields. The teacher needs to analyse each and every kid to identify their area of interest. For example – a student who is good at writing reports, can do so for extra credits and will be marked on basis of that accordingly instead of giving him an assignment that might not be his/her area of interest.
- Scrutinise Independent Work
Grades do not define a child’s intelligence, so simply checking test papers and giving grades to students is just not enough. A child needs to know where he/she went wrong and where they have to improve. For this – tell students at least 3 things that they did right and give them 3 tips for improvement.
- Assign Research Projects
Reading the textbook thoroughly will just help students gain marks in an exam but, they get the true essence of the lesson when they are given actual research work. Many people can just learn the definition of a particular term by heart but very few actually make an effort to understand it and use it in real life situations, and remember we are here to prepare kids for the outside world. Giving research work instils this quality in children.
- Let the Students “Teach”
We all can agree that Students have better relations with their classmates than their teachers. They tend to listen to them more and they have a huge impact on their life, so why take this advantage and incorporate in teaching? When students teach, they learn and experience many new things. This is a also a great way to improve their oratory skills.
Risk-taking should be rewarded, so praise students for taking risks and then focus on getting them to think about their their ideas. The next step is getting them to improve their communication skills. Let them speak, even if they faulter. Failure is the first step to success, so let the kids make mistakes and learn from them.